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JTB ACA Tools includes editing tools for Property Sets, Classifications and List Definitions for AutoCAD Architecture (ACA) based products including MEP, Map 3D and Civil 3D.

With JTB Find, you are able to find and replace text in Extended Data tab in Properties, specifically for Property Sets and their Property Definition values.

With JTB PropsClassMapping, you are able to change Property Set values, Classification values of SPACE, WALL and DOOR according to the values of their other Property Set.

With ClassificationDefinition tools, you can import export AutoCAD Architecture Classification Definitions, avoid the need to type everything manually.

With ADTListDefinition tools, you can import, create and export ListDefinitions quick and easy.

JTB ACA Tools provides some useful lisp functions for AutoLISP programmers to modify property set and/or classification properties. 

JTB Find

With JTB Find you are able to find and replace text in Extended Data tab in Properties, specifically for Property Sets and their Property Definition values (PSD).

JTB Find is an app for AutoCAD Architecture (ACA) based products including MEP, Map 3D and Civil 3D.

JTB PropsClassMapping

When exporting from Revit to AutoCAD Architecture some of the data might not be where you want it. With this app you can easily map values from Property Sets to Classifications or however you want it. 

JTB ClassificationDefinition Import and Export

In the Style Manager>Multi-Purpose Objects there are Classification Definitions that can be useful for many purposes. But you have to add them one by one. Imagine if you have an existing list of many items in Excel or some other format and you have to add them manually.

  • AutoCAD Architecture Classification Definitions cannot be exported or imported. With the help of ClassificationDefinitionTools this is possible.
  • Some classification structures can be very large and complicated and this tool can help to avoid the need to type everything manually.

ADTListDefinition Import and Export

In the Style Manager>Multi-Purpose Objects there are List Definitions (introduced in the 2007 versions) that can be useful for many purposes. But you have to add them one by one. Imagine if you have an existing list of many items in Excel or some other format and you have to add them manually. Another thing is that even though the list in the Style Manager shows up sorted the list is sorted in the order the items where added when the list is used in a Manual Property Definition, Space name or Zone name. So if you want the items in alphabetic order and add one that is not supposed to end up last you have to add all again. This is one reason when this tool comes handy.

Tip. ListDefinition is the command to start the Style Manager with only the List Definitions.

ListDefinitionImport shows up the dialog box below. If the List Definition is existing it appends the values. Copy and paste a bunch of values from for example Excel.

ListDefinitionExport lists all List Definitions and their items to the Text Window like this.

Here is the result in the Style Manager.

Additional Lisp Functions

JTB ACA Tools provides some useful lisp functions for AutoLISP programmers to modify property set and/or classification properties. 

(GetPDVs [Include xrefs and blocks] [Property Set Definition] [Property Definition Name])

returns list of values or nil


(GetPDVs T "WindowObjects")

(GetPDVs T "WindowObjects" '("Width" "Height" "Note1"))

(GetPDV [Entity Name] [Property Set Definition] [Property Definition Name])

returns property value or nil

(PutPDV [Entity Name] [Property Set Definition] [Property Definition Name] [Property Definition Value])

returns T or nil

(GetPSNs [Entity Name] [Property Set Definition])

returns list of [Property Definition Name] or nil

(GetPSDs [Entity Name])

return a list of [Property Set Definition]


Trial License will expire in 30 days after running the app for the first time. Support is available during the trial as well as after purchase. When purchased it can be used without restrictions.

The app can be downloaded here, or in Autodesk App Store or by contacting us.

If purchase has been done via Autodesk App Store the download is available on the Autodesk App Store My Downloads page. Sign in with the same account used when purchasing.

System requirements

Compatible with AutoCAD Architecture 2018, AutoCAD Architecture 2019, AutoCAD Architecture 2020, AutoCAD Architecture 2021, AutoCAD Architecture 2022, AutoCAD Architecture 2023, AutoCAD Architecture 2024, AutoCAD Architecture 2025. All flavors based on them should be working like AutoCAD MEP, AutoCAD Map 3D and AutoCAD Civil 3D. Support for older versions upon request. 

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11.

JTB World is an Autodesk Authorised Developer


New license: 95 USD for one license or less depending on the amount of licenses.

Secure Online Payments and Credit Card Processing by BlueSnap

Purchase from the Autodesk App Store site.

Upgraded license: 55 USD for one license or less depending on the amount of licenses.

Secure Online Payments and Credit Card Processing by BlueSnap

If you have really many users that you want to give access to this software we can discuss a discounted price based on your particular situation. Educational discounts available.

The license is perpetual. Support and upgrades is included for a minimum of 2 years after purchase. If you have more than one computer and you are the only user of the application one license is enough. 

Once installed, the app is running in Trial Mode, with Trial License. Trial License will expire 30 days after first usage. See activation instructions here: JTB World Apps Licensing

If purchase has been done via Autodesk App Store the download is available on the Autodesk App Store My Downloads page. Sign in with the same account used when purchasing.

If your company is tax exempt note that BlueSnap does not currently offer a way to prevent tax from being charged on orders. We need a copy of the tax exempt certificate to refund the tax if already paid.

Available payment methods depending on country where payment is done from: Local Bank Transfer (Canada), Wire Transfer to Canada, Interac e-Transfer, Cheque (to Canada). Via BlueSnap (Global Payment Gateway) these methods may be available (not a complete list as it is updated from time to time by BlueSnap): Credit card (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Carte Bleue), PayPal, Local Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, ACH, Google Pay, UK Direct Debit, Smart Debit, Real-time Bank Transfer, Electronic Check (ECP), Apple Pay, Skrill (Moneybookers), WebMoney, Sofort, Giropay, iDeal, ENETS and Alipay (SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Direct Debit, PaySafeCard, Ukash, cashU, Boleto Bancario, Boleto Bancario can be made available upon request) - Refund policy


Installation of the app

Download the app.

Run the installer.

License Activation 

See activation instructions here: JTB World Apps Licensing

Usage of JTB Find

When installed start JTB Find from the Add-ins (Plug-ins) tab or use the command JTBFind.

JTB Find Dialog Box

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Find What

Specifies the text string you want to find. Enter a text string, including any wild-card characters, or choose one of the most recently used strings from the list.

Replace With

Specifies the text string you want to use to replace the found text. Enter a string, or choose one of the most recently used strings from the list.

Find Where

Default is the entire drawing.

List Results

Lists results in a table displaying the location (model space), object type, and text. The resulting table can be sorted by column. 
Double-click one of the results to zoom to that object.

Zoom to Highlighted Result Button

Zooms to the selected object in the list. You can also zoom to a result when you double-click the selected object.

Replace Button

Replaces found text with the text that you enter in Replace With.

Replace All Button

Finds all instances of the text that you enter in Find What and replaces it with the text in Replace With. 
The Find Where setting controls whether to find and replace text in the entire drawing or text in the currently selected object or objects.


Finds the text that you enter in Find What. Found text is zoomed to or displayed in the List Results table. Once you find the first instance of the text, the Find option becomes Find Next, which you can use to find the next instance.

Advanced Find Options Button

Expands the dialog box to display options to define the type of objects and words that you want to find.

Search Options

Defines the type of objects and words to be found.

Match Case

Includes the case of the text in Find What as part of the search criteria.

Find Whole Words Only

Finds only whole words that match the text in Find What. For example, if you select Find Whole Words Only and search for “Front Door,” FIND does not locate the text string “Front Doormat.”

Use Wildcards

Allows the use of wild-card characters in searches. 
For more information on wild-card searches, see Find and Replace Text in the AutoCAD User’s Guide.

JTB PropsClassMapping Instructions

Run JTBPropsClassMapping command from command line or from ribbon button on Add-ins (or Plug-ins) tab

Imagine you have extended data properties to change, for all objects in the drawing, as screenshot below.

Open the app's folder at C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\JTB ACA Tools.bundle\Contents, open the the sample drawing file in AutoCAD Architecture. Then, open "MappingTable.csv" file with a text editor app like Notepad. "MappingTable.csv" file is the input of the command.

There are 2 sections in the MappingTable.csv.

1. The first section is "#Property2Propery". In the 2nd line, it is the field columns in sequence of "#PropertySet,PropertyName,2PropertySet,2PropertyName"

That means, you specify the source PropertySet, and the PropertyName in that Property Set. Then, the app will find the target Property Set to change, define in "2PropertySet" and "2PropertyName", and copy values along.

Under this first section, the input is divided into sub sections, each secion per object type: #SPACE, #WALL, and/or #DOOR.

In the existing MappingTable.csx, you can see these lines:

... ... ...


MA REL Pset Rooms,NSM_Rumsnamn alternativ,FI2_Utrymmen,RumsnamnAlternativ

... ... ...

So, JTBPropsClassMapping command will process through all space objects in the model space of the drawing, find "MA REL Pset Rooms" > "NSM_Rumsnamn alternativ" property, and copy its value to the "FI2_Utrymmen" > "RumsnamnAlternativ"

2. The second section is "#PropertySet2Classification".

The input fields are: "#PropertySet,PropertyName,PropertyValue,2Classification,2ClassificationValue".

This is to change specified Classification Value, according to the Property Value in the Propert Set.

Under this section, the input is also divided into sub sections, each secion per object type: #SPACE, #WALL, and/or #DOOR.

... ... ...


MA REL Pset Rooms,Funktionskod_RS,*,FI2_Rumsfunktion,*

... ... ...

That means, JTBPropsClassMapping command will process through all space objects in the model space of the drawing, find "MA REL Pset Rooms" property set > "Funktionskod_RS" property, whatever value it is (the wildcar "*"), go up to Classification tab, and copy the value to "FI2_Rumsfunktion"

Next, to thw #WALL section:

... ... ...


MA REL Pset Walls,NSM_Brandkrav,30,FI2_Brandklass,EI30

... ... ...

JTBPropsClassMapping command will process through all wall objects in the model space of the drawing, find "MA REL Pset Walls" property set > "NSM_Brandkrav" property, value "30", go up to Classification tab, and change the value of "FI2_Brandklass" to "EI30"

The input can go on with the same PropertySet, Property Value, to the final unspecified classification value:

... ... ...

MA REL Pset Walls,NSM_Brandkrav,*,FI2_Brandklass,

No classification value here, hence, the classification value will be set to "By stype (*Unspecified)"

JTB ClassificationDefinition Import and Export Instructions

In the Style Manager>Multi-Purpose Objects there are Classification Definitions that can be useful for many purposes. But you have to add them one by one. Imagine if you have an existing list of many items in Excel or some other format and you have to add them manually.

Tip. ClassificationDefinition is the command to start the Style Manager with only the Classification Definitions.

To install and run ClassificationDefinitionTools do like this:

  • Download the plug-in.
  • Extract to a folder somewhere locally on your PC.
  • Load ClassificationDefinitionTools.dll using the NetLoad command within the application.
  • Use the either of two commands ClassificationDefinitionImport or ClassificationDefinitionExport. (Tip. Type Clas and use tab several times)

For example say there is an existing classification like this.

ClassificationDefinitionExport shows the dialog box below. Select a Classification Definition Name in the dropdown list and press Export. This will show the list in the textbox Classification Definition Values. The result is automatically copied into the clipboard so you can paste the result into for example Excel.

The columns are separated by tabs.

The first column shows the level where 1 is the top level.

The second column is the name.

The third column is the description.

ClassificationDefinitionImport shows the dialog box below. If the Classification Definition is existing it appends the values. Copy and paste a bunch of values from Excel, Notepad or some other editor. Notice that the format must be tab separated.

After importing this definition the result in the Style Manager is as below.

If you have really many to import you might need to split and do it in several steps due to limit of number of characters the textbox can handle. 

ADTListDefinition Import and Export Instructions

2 ADTListDefinition commands are to import, create and export ListDefinitions quick and easy. You need ACA (AutoCAD Architecture), ADT (Autodesk Architectural Desktop), AMEP (AutoCAD MEP) or ABS (Autodesk Building Systems) to be able to use this program

In the Style Manager>Multi-Purpose Objects there are List Definitions (introduced in the 2007 versions) that can be useful for many purposes. But you have to add them one by one. Imagine if you have an existing list of many items in Excel or some other format and you have to add them manually.

Another thing is that even though the list in the Style Manager shows up sorted the list is sorted in the order the items where added when the list is used in a Manual Property Definition, Space name or Zone name. So if you want the items in alphabetic order and add one that is not supposed to end up last you have to add all again.

This is one reason when this tool comes handy.

Tip. ListDefinition is the command to start the Style Manager with only the List Definitions.

1. Command ListDefinitionImport shows up the dialog box as screenshot 1 below. If the List Definition is existing it appends the values. Copy and paste a bunch of values from for example Excel.

The import result is in the Style Manager, as screenshot 2 below

2. Command ListDefinitionExport lists all List Definitions and their items to the Text Window, as screenshot 3 below.

Additional Lisp Functions

JTB ACA Tools provides some useful lisp function for the advanced user to modify property set and/or classification properties

(GetPDVs [Include xrefs and blocks] [Property Set Definition] [Property Definition Name])

returns list of values or nil


(GetPDVs T "WindowObjects")

(GetPDVs T "WindowObjects" '("Width" "Height" "Note1"))

(GetPDV [Entity Name] [Property Set Definition] [Property Definition Name])

returns property value or nil

(PutPDV [Entity Name] [Property Set Definition] [Property Definition Name] [Property Definition Value])

returns T or nil

(GetPSNs [Entity Name] [Property Set Definition])

returns list of [Property Definition Name] or nil

(GetPSDs [Entity Name])

return a list of [Property Set Definition]

Version History

  • 2024-12-27 - version 2.0.0
    • Added support for AutoCAD Architecture 2025 based products. 
  • 2023-06-18 - version 1.1.0
    • Added support for AutoCAD Architecture 2024 based products. 
  • 2022-12-05 - version 1.0.0
    • First version of this bundle of various AutoCAD Architecture apps. 

License agreement

The license agreement is found here.


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