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This app is discontinued! 

1. Introduction

Disclaimer: JTB World only resells this service. 

The Engco application is a very easy-to-use tool for rebar detailing in Reinforced Concrete.
This application includes five main windows for input of Foundations by all types, columns (all shapes), Beams (Continues and simple beams), Walls elevations, and Around Openings rebar.
This main program allows producing the rebar shop drawings as AutoCAD drawing (dwg) along with automatically generated bar bending schedules (BBS) as Excel Sheet to ease the modifying process which reduces error risk to almost zero.


2. Documentation

Click here for full documentation.

3. Samples

Around Opening: Detail A.pdf & Detail B.pdf

Beams: B2.pdf & BR1(B1-B1-B1).pdf

Columns: C1-Type 1.pdf, C1-Type 9-Stopped.pdf, C2-Type 10.pdf & C3-Type 12.pdf

Foundation: F1.pdf, F1-NGL.pdf, PC1.pdf & Tr1.pdf

Wall: Section 1.pdf

Bar bending schedule: C1-Type 1-BBS.xls


4. Download

A free copy of this program is available to be downloaded.

Download: Engco setup.exe


5. Purchase

The free copy of the program generates input files that should be sent to this email: engco_rd@yahoo.com (Coordinator). The main program on our server produces the output for each input and finalizes the output, then it will be sent to the client via email through the Coordinator within 4 working-hours per input file.

The total package will cost 50$ for 75 Input files to get 75 output files sent to the client by email.

Each client will receive reference number and name for project including all of its properties.

The coordinator is responsible for replying any inquiry or questions from client side and drawing the client attention to any problem in the input files.

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