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;;; BlockToXref.LSP ;;; Select one or many blocks in a drawing and change them to xrefs ;;; The xrefs needs to be existing before running this command ;;; By Jimmy Bergmark ;;; Copyright (C) 1997-2014 JTB World, All Rights Reserved ;;; Website: ;;; E-mail: ;;; 2000-04-03 - First release ;;; Supports nested blocks, multiple tabs ;;; 2014-12-15 - Updated to work with newer versions of AutoCAD ;;; Tested on AutoCAD 2000 and 2015 (defun c:btx () (c:BlockToXref)) (defun c:BlockToXref (/ errexit undox olderr restore errexitA2k ss ss1 e1 ix path bsl bn bnl bl bt not_ok repl oldvport oldregenmode typ ed layer color ltype ang ins tab oldtab ) (defun errexit (s) (princ "\nError: ") (princ s) (restore) ) (defun undox () (setq ss1 nil) (setq ss2 nil) (setvar "ctab" oldtab) (if (> oldcvport 1) (command "._mspace") (command "._pspace")) (setvar "cvport" oldcvport) (setvar "regenmode" oldregenmode) (command "._undo" "_E") (setvar "cmdecho" oldcmdecho) (setq *error* olderr) (princ) ) (setq olderr *error* restore undox *error* errexit ) (setq oldcmdecho (getvar "cmdecho")) (setq oldtab (getvar "ctab")) (setq oldcvport (getvar "cvport")) (setq oldregenmode (getvar "regenmode")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setvar "regenmode" 0) (command "._UNDO" "_BE") (setq A2k (>= (substr (getvar "ACADVER") 1 2) "15")) (if (and A2k (/= (setq ss1 (ssget '((0 . "INSERT")))) nil)) (progn (vl-load-com) (setq ix 0) (setq bsl nil) ; block selection list (setq bnl nil) ; unique block name list (repeat (sslength ss1) (setq e1 (ssname ss1 ix)) (setq bn (cdr (assoc 2 (entget e1)))) ; block name (setq bl (tblsearch "block" bn)) ; block list bn (setq bt (cdr (assoc 70 bl))) ; block type (if (and (/= (logand bt 4) 4) (not (member bn bnl))) ; no xrefs and no duplicates (setq bnl (cons bn bnl)) ) (setq ix (1+ ix)) ); end repeat (foreach bn bnl (setq ss1 (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 2 bn)))) (setq ix 0) (repeat (sslength ss1) (setq e1 (ssname ss1 ix)) (setq bsl (cons (entget e1) bsl)) (setq ix (1+ ix)) ) ); end repeat (foreach bn bnl (setq not_ok T) (while not_ok (setq path (getfiled "Match the block to a file" (if (not path) (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") bn) (strcat (vl-filename-directory path) "\\" bn)) "dwg" 0)) (if path (if (= (strcase (vl-filename-base path)) (strcase bn)) (setq not_ok nil) (progn (initget 0 "Yes No") (setq repl (getkword "\nAssign a different name? [Yes/No] <No>: ")) (if (not repl) (setq repl "Yes")) (if (= "Yes" repl) (setq not_ok nil) (setq not_ok T) ) ) ) ) (if (not not_ok) (progn (setq ss (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 2 bn)))) (setq ix 0) (repeat (sslength ss) (setq ed (ssname ss ix)) (setq tab (cdr (assoc 410 (entget ed)))) (setvar "ctab" tab) (entdel ed) (setq ix (1+ ix)) ) (repeat 10 (vl-cmdf "._purge" "_b" "*" "N") ) (initget 0 "Overlay Attach") (setq repl (getkword "\nEnter an option [Overlay/Attach] <Attach>: ")) (if (not repl) (setq repl "Attach")) (if (= "Attach" repl) (setq typ "_A") (setq typ "_O")) (setq ix 0) (repeat (length bsl) (setq ed (nth ix bsl)) (if (= bn (cdr (assoc 2 ed))) (progn (setq layer (cdr (assoc 8 ed))) (setq color (cdr (assoc 62 ed))) (if (not color) (setq color "_ByLayer")) (setq ltype (cdr (assoc 6 ed))) (if (not ltype) (setq ltype "_ByLayer")) (setq ang (/ (* 180.0 (cdr (assoc 50 ed))) pi)) (setq ins (cdr (assoc 10 ed))) (setq tab (cdr (assoc 410 ed))) (setvar "ctab" tab) (if (/= tab "Model") (command "._pspace")) (vl-cmdf "._xref" typ path "_X" (cdr (assoc 41 ed)) "_Y" (cdr (assoc 42 ed)) "_Z" (cdr (assoc 43 ed)) ins ang) (vl-cmdf "._change" "_L" "" "_P" "_C" color "_LA" layer "_LT" ltype "") ) ) (setq ix (1+ ix)) ) ) ) (if (= path nil) (setq not_ok nil)) ) ) ); end progn ); end if (setq ss1 nil) (restore) ) |