
HTML Report tool for software using FlexNet / FLEXlm. Freeware.

Web site: JTB FlexReport LT

Item Price: Freeware

Description: JTB FlexReport LT is a freeware product from JTB World to create HTML reports on current usage of FlexNet/FLEXlm licenses.

Windows Explorer extension for DWG files. Freeware also available

Web site: JTB DWG Columns for Explorer

Item Price: 25 USD per license or less

Freeware showing only DWG version available.

Description: Show the DWG properties in Explorer columns or even in file dialog boxes within CAD products like AutoCAD, BricsCAD, GstarCAD, ZWCAD and others.

Infotips for DWG files. Freeware also available

Web page: JTB DwgInfoTip

Item Price: 10 USD per license or less

Description: Show the DWG version and DWG properties as an Infotip (tooltip) in Explorer or even from file dialog boxes within AutoCAD or other CAD products.


Web site: JTB OsnapzBG

Item price: Freeware

Description: When the AutoCAD variable OSNAPZ is changed many have found it useful to have a more visual change to indicate its state. In verticals like AutoCAD Architecture you have a small button that indicates the state of the “Z lock” but some might want to even have the background color change just like the Block Editor changes the background color. With OsnapzBG loaded any change of OSNAPZ will also change the background and other specified colors depending on if OSNAPZ is set to 0 or 1.


Web site: JTB Palette Auto-hide Speed

Item Price: Freeware

Description: Did you know that you can change the time it takes to show/hide or roll-up/roll-out the palette windows in AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture or other verticals when you have activated Auto-hide? It is possible but is not so obvious and easy. Until now.


Web site: JTB LayoutsToDwgs

Item Price: Freeware

Description: If you have a multiple-layout drawing and want only one layout per drawing this is the app for you. JTB LayoutsToDwgs will save each of your layouts to a single-layout drawings.

Freeware app for AutoCAD

Website: JTB Spiro

Item Price: Freeware

Description: The Spiro freeware app can be used with Autodesk AutoCAD to create Spirograph™-like patterns.

Web site: JTB Change Title for AutoCAD

Item Price: Freeware

Description: Makes it possible to change the title of AutoCAD based products.

Web site: JTB License Borrowed Dialog Closer

Item Price: Freeware

Description: Close License Borrowed Dialog boxes automatically.


Web site: DWF Print

Item Price: Freeware

Description: Batch print DWF files quick and easy.

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