More Free AutoLISP and Visual LISP code snippets for AutoCAD Here is a series of blog posts that among other bootstrap deployment tips shows the usage of these commands. ![]()
;;; profiles.lsp ;;; miscellaneous profile commands ;;; By Jimmy Bergmark ;;; Copyright (C) 1997-2008 JTB World, All Rights Reserved ;;; Website: ;;; E-mail: ;;; 2000-01-25 ;;; 2003-01-23 Added functions ;;; 2008-08-08 Added forceImport (vl-load-com) ; Brute force a profile to be imported ; (forceImport "profilename" "C:\\temp\\testprof.arg" 1) ; inclpathinfo=1 The path information in the registry file will be preserved. ; inclpathinfo=0 The path information in the registry file will not be preserved. ; return T if profile is imported (defun forceImport (profilename argname inclpathinfo / tmp1 tmp2) (setq tmp1 "<<most-temporary1>>") (deleteProfile tmp1) (if (importProfile tmp1 argname inclpathinfo) (progn (putActiveProfile tmp1) (deleteProfile profilename) (renameProfile tmp1 profilename) (putActiveProfile profilename) T ) nil ) ) (defun getActiveProfile () (vla-get-activeprofile (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) ) ) (defun putActiveProfile (profilename) (vla-put-activeprofile (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) profilename ) ) (defun getAllProfileNames(/ allprofiles) (vla-getallprofilenames (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) 'allprofiles ) (vlax-safearray->list allprofiles) ) (defun existProfile (profilename) (not (not (member (strcase profilename) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (strcase x)) (getallprofilenames)) ))) ) (defun c:listProfileNames(/ nr profnames) (setq nr 0) (setq profnames (getAllProfileNames)) (repeat (length profnames) (princ (nth nr profnames)) (print) (setq nr (1+ nr)) ) (princ) ) ; return T if profile is deleted and nil if not (defun deleteProfile (profilename) (if (and (/= (strcase profilename) (strcase (getActiveProfile))) (existProfile profilename)) (not (vla-deleteprofile (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) profilename )) ) ) ; Delete all profiles except the current profile (defun deleteAllProfilesExceptCurrent (/ item) (foreach item (getAllProfileNames) (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-deleteprofile (list (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object)) ) item ) ) ) ) ; return T if profile is reseted and nil if not (defun resetProfile (profilename) (if (existProfile profilename) (not (vla-resetprofile (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) profilename )) ) ) ; return T if profile is renamed and nil if not ; if profilenameNew exist it's substituded with profilenameOld (defun renameProfile (profilenameOld profilenameNew) (if (existProfile profilenameOld) (not (vla-renameprofile (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) profilenameOld profilenameNew )) ) ) ; return T if profile is copied and nil if not ; if profilename2 exists it's copied (defun copyProfile (profilename1 profilename2) (if (existProfile profilename1) (not (vla-copyprofile (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) profilename1 profilename2 )) ) ) ; (exportProfile "profilename" "C:\\TEMP\\profilename.arg") ; if path is omitted profile is saved in active directory ; overwrites argname if it exists ; return T if profile is exported (defun exportProfile (profilename argname) (if (existProfile profilename) (not (vla-exportprofile (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) profilename argname )) ) ) ; (importProfile "profilename" "C:\\TEMP\\profilename.arg" 1) ; overwrites profilename if it exists ; if path is omitted profile is imported from active directory ; inclpathinfo=1 The path information in the registry file will be preserved. ; inclpathinfo=0 The path information in the registry file will not be preserved. ; return T if profile is imported (defun importProfile (profilename argname inclpathinfo) (not (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-importprofile (list (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) profilename argname inclpathinfo )) ) ) ; Brute force a profile to be imported and all the resting to be deleted ; (forceImportAndDeleteTheRest "profilename" "C:\\temp\\testprof.arg" 1) ; inclpathinfo=1 The path information in the registry file will be preserved. ; inclpathinfo=0 The path information in the registry file will not be preserved. ; return T if profile is imported (defun forceImportAndDeleteTheRest (profilename argname inclpathinfo / tmp1 tmp2) (setq tmp1 "<<most-temporary1>>") (deleteProfile tmp1) (if (importProfile tmp1 argname inclpathinfo) (progn (putActiveProfile tmp1) (deleteProfile profilename) (renameProfile tmp1 profilename) (putActiveProfile profilename) (deleteAllProfilesExceptCurrent) T ) nil ) ) |