
Back to JTB SmartBatch

2024-11-17 - 7.1.0 JTB_SmartBatch_7.1.0_installer.zip

  • Added new setting to not save: Don't save (useful in combination with certain custom scripts). 

2024-08-12 - 7.0.0 JTB_SmartBatch_7.0.0_installer.zip

  • Added AutoCAD 2025 support.
  • Start the app with command line argument /importrun to enable running unattended a list of drawings that have been previously exported. Could be used with for example Windows Task Scheduler.
  • Remove All added to right-click menu.
  • Bugs while adding folders with only dxf files fixed.
  • Reactivation of license might be needed. 

2023-06-08 - 6.2.0 JTB_SmartBatch_6.2.0_installer.zip

  • Added AutoCAD 2024 support.
  • Reactivation of license might be needed. 

2022-04-25 - 6.1.0

  • Added AutoCAD 2023 support.

2022-02-05 - 6.0.0

  • Option added to run BricsCAD without UI
  • Added support to export and import of when Add Folders Only is used
  • Minor fix with licensing
  • Minor fixes

2021-08-02 - 5.7.0
-Better folder browsing dialog box making it work with virtual/cloud drives like Box.

2021-06-14 - 5.6.0
-Added SCR file extension for the start argument as it in some cases (like DraftSight) could be needed.

2021-05-03 - 5.5.0
-Added SCR file extension for the start argument as it in some cases (like DraftSight) could be needed.

2021-04-13 - 5.4.0
-Added AutoCAD 2022 support.

2021-01-28 - 5.3.0
-Fixed failure to process in some CAD systems.
-Fixed failure to zoom extents if selected in some cases.

2020-11-22 - 5.2.4
-Minor adjustments. 

2020-10-05 - 5.2.3
-Unified installer to install also as AutoCAD app if AutoCAD is installed.

2020-05-29 - 5.2.2
-Upgraded to JTB License

2020-05-29 - 5.2.1
-Fixed shortcut to JTB World Apps. 

2020-05-23 - 5.2
-Added AutoCAD 2021 support. 

2019-03-28 - 5.1
-Added AutoCAD 2020 support. 

2019-02-04 - JTB SmartBatch 5.0

  • New licensing system with support for network licenses
  • Refreshed UI
  • Fixed problem to browse for folder on Settings>SaveAs
  • Fixed problem to Check for Update
  • Improved functionality to close dialog boxes
  • .NET Framework 4.6.1 or later needed
  • SmartPurger renamed to JTB SmartBatch to better reflect that it is more of a Batch app than a Purge app

2018-03-22 - SmartPurger 4.0 (update)
-Added AutoCAD 2019 support. No change in version number.

2017-03-22 - SmartPurger 4.0
-Added support for AutoCAD® 2018
-Fixed error that caused SmartPurger to not complete deletion of files in certain cases
-"Delete only files older than specified number days" setting did before not delete files as expected. This is not fixed.
-Fixed error that caused SmartPurger to stop when path or files names were very long.
-Fixed error that caused SmartPurger to stop when it reached certain folders that could not be accessed by the current user.
-Fixed a problem related to deletion of files as specified on the Settings>Delete tab where the deletion did not complete search of all folders.

2016-08-29 - SmartPurger 3.8
-With this version it’s possible to only delete certain “garbage” files without having to also run AutoCAD to purge and process custom scripts. See “Only delete files, don’t process any DWG files” checkbox on Delete tab in Settings.
-Quick access to deleted files log file through new button on Delete tab.
-Minor bug fixes related to usage with AutoCAD 2017

2016-05-25 - SmartPurger 3.7
-Support for Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 added
-If SmartPurger runs in the background it does not take unnecessary focus from whatever other app you're working with.

2015-04-13 - SmartPurger 3.6 update
-Support for Autodesk AutoCAD 2016 added

2014-06-20 - SmartPurger 3.6
-Support for Autodesk AutoCAD 2015 and the new Orphaned Data purge
-Support for sharepoint folder locations

2014-01-08 - SmartPurger 3.5
-Fixed a bug where accoreconsole did not save to specified DWG version
-Purge multileader styles bug fixed where it did not always purge these styles.
-Handle dialog box about VBA not installed
-Fixed bug where Educational Version - Terminated sometimes show up in status column even though the drawing is not educational

2012-04-30 - SmartPurger 3.4
-Added support for AutoCAD console mode.
-Support for AutoCAD 2013 and the 2013 DWG file format.
-Thumbnail color can be changed.
-Support for purging of Detail view styles and Section view styles.
-Support for custom Windows DPI settings.
-Free trial allow to script up to 10 drawings.
-AutoCAD apps support.
-And some other minor bug fixes.

2011-08-23 - SmartPurger 3.3
-Support for other applications like Bricscad or AutoCAD OEM
-Version check added to see if a newer version of SmartPurger is available.
-Support for dialog box to be closed: Open - Foreign DWG File
-Support for dialog box to be closed: Annotation Scale - Large Number of Scales
-xstrcase usage within SmartPurger to handle usage of diacritics and accentuated characters in filenames
-Profile list is not always working
-OCX registration problem fixed
-Correctly showing the total time when it is more than 24 hours

2011-06-12 - SmartPurger 3.2.2
- Fixed timer issue when selecting folders only.
- Fixed a problem that the lisp file selected to be run was not run.
- Can close password dialog box.
- Other minor fixes.

2011-05-01 - SmartPurger 3.2.1
- Fixed a problem showing file properties on 64-bit systems.
- Added portable download making it possible to run without installing.

2010-08-06 - SmartPurger 3.2
- Bug fixes related to timer and adding folders as well as some minor bugs.

2009-12-07 - SmartPurger 3.0.4
- Bug fixes for adding files.
- Bug fixes to enable saving to DWG 2004 format.

2009-11-16 - SmartPurger 3.0
- New UI and full 64-bit support.
- Current customers need to contact us for an updated license file.

2009-02-02 - SmartPurger 2.8.0 Support for AutoCAD 2010 and Windows 7 as well as better support for Windows Vista

2007-09-17 - SmartPurger 2.7.0 Added support to close more popups.

2007-07-29 - SmartPurger 2.6.0 Thanks to James Maeding for ASDKCleanRegAppARX.arx can be used to more effectively purge registered applications.

2007-06-19 - SmartPurger 2.5.0 Fixed some problems that made SmartPurger not work for AutoCAD LT 2007 and AutoCAD LT 2008.

2007-04-09 - SmartPurger 2.4.1 Support for plotting even with popups being closed. The plot progress dialog box is not closed.

2007-03-28 - SmartPurger 2.4
-Support for AutoCAD 2008 based products. Plotstyles and textSTyles are also purged when using Purge All option.
-Support for Windows Vista

2006-03-21 - SmartPurger 2.3
-Support for AutoCAD 2007 based products.

2005-08- - SmartPurger 2.1
-Support for AutoCAD 2006 based products.
-Clean up DWL files if the AutoCAD processed is killed due to timeout.
-More pop ups that might halt execution are closed automatically now.
-Minor issues fixed.

2004-04- - SmartPurger 2.0
-Support for AutoCAD 2005 based products added.
-Added: For AutoCAD 2005 based products you can purge Regapps and Table styles.
-Added: Purge all named object dictionaries (Be very cautious to use this feature since DWG logic can be lost)
-Script or lisp files can be executed.
-Abitiliy to control INDEXCTL
-Abitiliy to control ISAVEPERCENT
-Abitiliy to control PROXYGRAPHICS
-Abitiliy to control RASTERPREVIEW
-QAFLAGS restored to 0
-"AutoCAD Error Report" dialogs are closed it they appears.
-Status that shows the progress when adding and deleting files.
-SmartPurgerDeletedFiles.log is created in the temp folder during deletion of files. It's a semicolon separated text file including the path and filename, the base name, the file extension and the file size in kb. The file can for example be opened in Excel.
-Import List from Log File. This can be used if you have Exported a list previously and want to use it several times. One reason could be that you had to halt a previous large batch that you later want to continue on.
-A bug has been fixed that in some situations stopped when more then 15384 files where run.
-Now when you stop a batch and AutoCAD is running you can chose to terminate it.
-Minor issues fixed.

2003-03-03 - SmartPurger 1.6.7
-Intermediate fixes to for AutoCAD 2004 based products.

2003-01-28 - SmartPurger 1.6.4
-DXF files can now be batched. Some non standard formatted DXF's are not version identified but might be run anyway. The version is set to "DXF?". Until anyone wants it (just send an e-mail to info@jtbworld.com) the DXF are saved to the closest matched DWG version. Filter to include DXF files added to the Options> Settings.
-Files that have a status have to have the status resetted to be run a second time.
-Simplified installation that can be silently installed as well with the command line option /SILENT
-The installation package is minimized not including Visual Basic 6.0 SP5 Run-Time Files and HTML Help Package since most users already have it. It can be downloaded and installed separately.

2003-01-24 - SmartPurger 1.6.3
-The price has been lowered.
-Unlocked versions can be ordered based on an agreement.
-The status column shows more different statuses.
-The information during a batch is showing the drawing that is processed.
-Accumulated and total time for the batch is showed.
-The licensing is changed to make it easier for the customer.
-An option to audit the drawings have been added.
-Added: Delete all Page Setups
-Added: Delete all Filter states
-Added: Delete all Layer states
-Added: Delete all Layer manager states (Express Tools)
-Added: Delete all Line objects without length
-Added: Delete all Text objects without text
-Added: Delete all embedded VBA code
-Added: Purge all registered applications collection
-Added: Purge all Anonymous Groups
-Added: Purge all Groups
-The drawing list steps forward as the program progresses, so you can always see what drawing it is working on.
-A log file can be exported from the list of drawings with status, size, etc. Right click in the file list area...
-More validation done for Windows XP
-Minor issues fixed.

2001-12-21 - SmartPurger 1.5
-Some random read only errors that halted SmartPurger fixed.
-UNC file format supported fully.
-Improved performance.
-Improved resize function to avoid screen flickering.
-Added deletion possible of DWL, DWK lock files and PLOT.LOG files.
-Bug fixed when empty drawing files where created in some cases.
-Explorer shell context menu. Shortcut can be added for quick start from Explorer. Select the drawing files in Explorer, right click and select SmartPurger.
-Prevent multiple sessions.
-Command line argument for /nologo and one file is added.
-Added right click functionality for the drawing list view.
-Status can be set to skip selected drawings.
-File properties on right click
-It's possible to start AutoCAD from SmartPurger with right click

2001-11-21 - SmartPurger 1.4
-Shape and Font and Proxy dialog boxes are closed automatically. One reason is since FONTALT doesn't work as a solution when it comes to big fonts. Macro warning dialog boxes are also escaped from.
-Option added to be able to toggle between having SmartPurger on top or not.
-Columns added with the size and date of the file before and after.
-Information after a run of how many files where run, the total size of the files before and after.
-More information is given during the run to inform of the progress.
-Column header sizes and positions are saved to enable personal look. Can be reset with the Reset function.
-Control that it's possible to zoom. Could be in perspective view.
-It's possible to save to another location. Useful if you want to send drawings and don't want to touch the originals.

2001-11-01 - SmartPurger 1.3

2001-10-11 - SmartPurger 1.2

2001-09-17 - SmartPurger 1.1

2001-08-05 - SmartPurger 1.0

Have any questions? Contact us
