The newest release of AutoCAD, codenamed "Turing" with official release March 29, 2022.
This is the 37th version of AutoCAD. Previous AutoCAD version AutoCAD 2022.
New and/or enhanced functions | Still missing | Existing bugs | Tips & Tricks | Readme | Updates & Service Packs | Cascading Sequences | Links | New and Updated Command | Removed or Obsolete Commands | New and Updated System Variables
New and/or enhanced functions
New and/or enhanced functions
Markup Import and Markup Assist
Markup Import and Markup Assist use machine learning to identify markups and provide a way to view and insert drawing revisions with less manual effort.
Markups can be imported as a PDF, PNG, or JPG and are overlaid on top of your drawing in the Trace workspace. Markups in the imported file are automatically identified as mtext, mleaders, and revision clouds. Markup Assist lets you insert those identified markups into the drawing as geometry.
New Commands
MARKUPASSIST - Analyzes an imported markup and can help place text callouts and revision clouds faster and with less manual effort.
MARKUPIMPORT - Imports a marked up drawing (image/pdf) in-place into your DWG as a new trace.
New System Variables
MARKUPASSISTMODE - Controls whether identified markups are highlighted.
MARKUPPAPERDISPLAY - Indicates whether or not a digital markup is currently active.
MARKUPPAPERTRANSPARENCY - Controls the level of transparency when a digital markup is active.
My Insights: Macro Advisor
Macro insights are suggested command macros intended to help you be more productive.
A command macro contains a sequence of commands and system variables that help to automate tasks you perform frequently when working in AutoCAD. AutoCAD generates macro insights based on your unique command usage. Use the Command Macros palette to view, try, and save suggested command macros. Command macros can be added to the Saved tab of the Command Macros palette for use and then even added to the ribbon.
New Commands
COMMANDMACROS - Opens the Command Macros palette from which you can manage and use command macro recommendations.
COMMANDMACROSCLOSE - Closes the Command Macros palette.
New System Variables
COMMANDMACROSSTATE - Indicates whether the Command Macros palette is open or closed.
MACROINSIGHTSSUPPORT - Controls whether macro insights can be received based on the command sequences you execute.
MACRONOTIFY - Controls the notification for macro insights.
You can now create traces in desktop and contribute to traces created by others.
New Commands
TRACEEDIT - Changes the active trace to edit mode so you can contribute to the trace.
TRACEVIEW - Changes the active trace to view mode so you edit the parent drawing.
You can now count instances of an object or blocks within a specified area.
New Commands
COUNTAREA - Defines the area to count the instances of an object or block.
COUNTAREACLOSE - Cancels the count selection area.
SELECTCOUNT - Finds all objects within the current count that match the properties of the selected objects, and then adds them to the selection set.
Changed Commands
COUNT - Counts and highlights the instances of the selected object in the drawing.
Floating Drawing Windows
Improvements include the following:
- An anchored command window now stays with the active drawing window.
- A floating command window maintains its position.
- If drawing windows overlap, the active drawing window displays on top.
- You can pin a drawing window to a location. A pinned drawing window remains on top of the main AutoCAD application window.
- Right-click the title bar of a floating drawing window for additional options.
3D Graphics
This release includes the new cross platform 3D graphics system, leveraging all the power of modern GPUs and multi-core CPUs to offer a smooth navigation experience for much larger drawings.
This graphics system is available for Shaded and Shaded with Edges visual styles and is on by default.
Activating and Deactivating
By default, the graphics system is ON. To turn it OFF, enter FASTSHADEDMODE at the command line.
In the Shaded or Shaded with Edges visual styles, (Fast) is shown in the viewport control to indicate that the modern 3D graphics system is being used.
The modern graphics system does not currently support the following features:
- Point clouds
- Materials
- Geolocation (maps)
- Large coordinates
- Customization of visual styles
It is also limited to model space. In paper space, a viewport continues to use the existing graphics system.
New System Variables
FASTSHADEDMODE - Specifies whether the new cross platform 3D graphics system is turned on or off.
2D Graphics Display
This release of AutoCAD includes a new graphic engine, which provides a better display effect on some high-end GPUs.

The new graphics engine provides:
- Improved zoom and pan performance for drawings with many TrueType texts, long polylines, or solid hatches in 2D Wireframe Visual Style
- GPU memory usage has been optimized when opening multiple drawings in DirectX 12 mode
- Removed support for DirectX 9
Sheet Set Manager for Autodesk Docs
Manage sheet sets from Autodesk Docs using the new Sheet Set Manager for Web.

A light version of the legacy Sheet Set Manager, the Sheet Set Manager for Web, displays and manages named collections of drawing sheets stored in Autodesk Docs. Opening a DST file from Autodesk Docs displays the Sheet Set Manager for Web by default.
- Create and remove sheets and subsets
- Define sheet set properties including sheets and subsets
- Publish sheet sets to PDF
- Transmit sheet sets
New System Variable
SSMDETECTMODE - Determines which Sheet Set Manager is displayed when opening cloud-based DST files.
Drawing and Layout Tabs
Changes to the drawing and layout tabs make it easier to tell which drawing and layout is active. Changes also make it easier to see which drawing is active on the drawing tab overflow menu.

Improvements include the following:
- Modern look for drawing and layout tabs.
- The active tab is highlighted.
- The active drawing is checked on the drawing overflow menu.
The new CUTBASE command copies selected objects to the Clipboard, along with a specified base point, and removes them from the drawing.

- Click .
- Specify the base point on the drawing.
- Select the objects you want to cut and press Enter.
Use PASTECLIP to specify the insertion point when pasting the objects into other drawings.
Polyline Extend
A new grip option, Extend Vertex, adds a new vertex to your polyline extending from the selected end grip. You no longer have to reverse the polyline direction.

The existing Add Vertex option could add the vertex between the end and the previous vertex. It depended on the direction the polyline was drawn.

With the new Extend Vertex grip option, the vertex is always extended from the selected end grip, no matter which direction the polyline was drawn.

MLEADER Enhancement
The MLEADER command now has an option to select an existing mtext object to use for the new leader.
Additional enhancements
Insert Block: The Block Redefine dialog box provides an option to rename a block when the specified block name already exists in the drawing.
Options Dialog Box: A new task dialog prompts you to either save or discard the changes made when you attempt to close or cancel the Options dialog box.
Isolation Mode: The object selection is now maintained when you exit isolation mode.
New Drawing: Hovering over the New drop-down on the Start tab, displays a tooltip with the name of the drawing template file that will be used.
Customer Error Reporting (CER): Your email address is now automatically filled in when an error report is generated.
Multi-core Background Publishing: The publish option "Include Hyperlinks" is now supported when publishing a Multi-sheet PDF file using background publishing.
API and more for Programmers
For LISP and VBA, most all apps should work on AutoCAD 2023 without change.
In this registry location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R24.2\ACAD-6101:409
AcadLocation and Location now ends with a backslash
Thus existing code like this will fail:
(strcat (vl-registry-read (strcat "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\" (vlax-product-key)) "ACADLOCATION") "\\support")
Needs to be changed to:
(vl-string-right-trim "\\" (vl-registry-read (strcat "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\" (vlax-product-key)) "ACADLOCATION")) "\\support")
API Compatibility
AutoCAD 2023 maintains (forward) binary compatibility with AutoCAD 2022 and shouldn't require a recompilation of your ObjectARX 2022 applications. ObjectARX applications developed for AutoCAD 2020 and earlier releases must be recompiled before they can be used with AutoCAD 2023-based products.
Development Environment
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2019 version 16.7 must be used when compiling ObjectARX projects for use with AutoCAD 2023. Applications that require the use of the Microsoft .NET Framework should target the 4.8 version.
The Linker is *24.lib.
Registry Key
The Registry key has changed from "R24.1" to "R24.2".
32-Bit Application Support
Starting with AutoCAD 2020, 32-bit support is no longer available.
What's New in .NET ObjectARX for AutoCAD 2023.
New in Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Gets the window associated with a Document object.
Fired when a document window is about to be docked from a floating state back to the MDI child frame.
A delegate implemented by observers that are interested in document window docked events.
This class provides data for the DocumentWindowToBeDocked event of the DocumentWindowCollection class.
A delegate implemented by observers that are interested in document window to be docked events.
Searches the specified path for a recent document file.
New in Autodesk.AutoCAD.Customization
Accesses the user data.
New in Autodesk.AutoCAD.Ribbon
Accesses the user data assigned to the macro of this object.
New in Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
A delegate implemented by observers that are interested in file closing events.
A delegate implemented by observers that are interested in aborted file opening events.
This .NET class wraps the AcDbFileOperationReactor ObjectARX class which is used to get all DWG/DXF file open and close operations.
Occurs when the drawing has been closed.
Occurs when the opening of the drawing has been aborted.
Occurs when the drawing is about to be opened.
Frees the resources used by the object, similar to a destructor method.
Contains file operations event data.
Gets the full path of the file for which the event is occurring.
This file operation event is for a that is known to be unmodified.
This file operation event is for a read-only file or not.
This file operation event is for a reference file (i.e. not primary drawing file).
This file operation event is for a reload triggered by an ancestor being reloaded.
This file operation event is for a file being explicitly reloaded.
Vetos the file operation event.
Gets the veto status of the file operation event.
A delegate implemented by observers that are interested in file opening events.
New in Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows
Gets the macro insights ID associated with a menu macro.
A delegate implemented by observers that are interested in child item visibility update completed events.
Changed .NET API
Previous Declaration
public enum Version {CurrentVersion = 0x11,TwoThousandEight = 2,TwoThousandEighteen = 12,TwoThousandEleven = 5,TwoThousandFifteen = 9,TwoThousandFourteen = 8,TwoThousandNine = 3,TwoThousandNineteen = 13,TwoThousandSeven = 1,TwoThousandSeventeen = 11,TwoThousandSix = 0,TwoThousandSixteen = 10,TwoThousandTen = 4,TwoThousandThirteen = 7,TwoThousandTwelve = 6,TwoThousandTwenty = 14,TwoThousandTwentyOne = 15,TwoThousandTwentyThree = 0x11,Unknown = 0x12}
public enum Version { CurrentVersion = 0x12, TwoThousandEight = 2, TwoThousandEighteen = 12, TwoThousandEleven = 5, TwoThousandFifteen = 9, TwoThousandFourteen = 8, TwoThousandNine = 3, TwoThousandNineteen = 13, TwoThousandSeven = 1, TwoThousandSeventeen = 11, TwoThousandSix = 0, TwoThousandSixteen = 10, TwoThousandTen = 4, TwoThousandThirteen = 7, TwoThousandTwelve = 6, TwoThousandTwenty = 14, TwoThousandTwentyOne = 15, TwoThousandTwentyThree = 0x11, TwoThousandTwentyTwo = 0x10, Unknown = 0x13}
public enum MaintenanceReleaseVersion {Release0 = 0,Release1 = 1,Release10 = 10,Release100 = 100,Release101 = 0x65,Release102 = 0x66,Release103 = 0x67,Release104 = 0x68,Release105 = 0x69,Release106 = 0x6a,Release107 = 0x6b,Release108 = 0x6c,Release109 = 0x6d,Release11 = 11,Release110 = 110,Release111 = 0x6f,Release112 = 0x70,Release113 = 0x71,Release114 = 0x72,Release115 = 0x73,Release116 = 0x74,Release117 = 0x75,Release118 = 0x76,Release119 = 0x77,Release12 = 12,Release120 = 120,Release121 = 0x79,Release122 = 0x7a,Release123 = 0x7b,Release124 = 0x7c,Release125 = 0x7d,Release126 = 0x7e,Release127 = 0x7f,Release128 = 0x80,Release129 = 0x81,Release13 = 13,Release130 = 130,Release131 = 0x83,Release132 = 0x84,Release133 = 0x85,Release134 = 0x86,Release135 = 0x87,Release136 = 0x88,Release137 = 0x89,Release138 = 0x8a,Release139 = 0x8b,Release14 = 14,Release140 = 140,Release141 = 0x8d,Release142 = 0x8e,Release143 = 0x8f,Release144 = 0x90,Release145 = 0x91,Release146 = 0x92,Release147 = 0x93,Release148 = 0x94,Release149 = 0x95,Release15 = 15,Release150 = 150,Release151 = 0x97,Release152 = 0x98,Release153 = 0x99,Release154 = 0x9a,Release155 = 0x9b,Release156 = 0x9c,Release157 = 0x9d,Release158 = 0x9e,Release159 = 0x9f,Release16 = 0x10,Release160 = 160,Release17 = 0x11,Release18 = 0x12,Release19 = 0x13,Release2 = 2,Release20 = 20,Release2010Max = 0xff,Release2010Newest = 0xe2,Release21 = 0x15,Release22 = 0x16,Release23 = 0x17,Release24 = 0x18,Release25 = 0x19,Release26 = 0x1a,Release27 = 0x1b,Release28 = 0x1c,Release29 = 0x1d,Release3 = 3,Release30 = 30,Release31 = 0x1f,Release32 = 0x20,Release33 = 0x21,Release34 = 0x22,Release35 = 0x23,Release36 = 0x24,Release37 = 0x25,Release38 = 0x26,Release39 = 0x27,Release4 = 4,Release40 = 40,Release41 = 0x29,Release42 = 0x2a,Release43 = 0x2b,Release44 = 0x2c,Release45 = 0x2d,Release46 = 0x2e,Release47 = 0x2f,Release48 = 0x30,Release49 = 0x31,Release5 = 5,Release50 = 50,Release51 = 0x33,Release52 = 0x34,Release53 = 0x35,Release54 = 0x36,Release55 = 0x37,Release56 = 0x38,Release57 = 0x39,Release58 = 0x3a,Release59 = 0x3b,Release6 = 6,Release60 = 60,Release61 = 0x3d,Release62 = 0x3e,Release63 = 0x3f,Release64 = 0x40,Release65 = 0x41,Release66 = 0x42,Release67 = 0x43,Release68 = 0x44,Release69 = 0x45,Release7 = 7,Release70 = 70,Release71 = 0x47,Release72 = 0x48,Release73 = 0x49,Release74 = 0x4a,Release75 = 0x4b,Release76 = 0x4c,Release77 = 0x4d,Release78 = 0x4e,Release79 = 0x4f,Release8 = 8,Release80 = 80,Release81 = 0x51,Release82 = 0x52,Release83 = 0x53,Release84 = 0x54,Release85 = 0x55,Release86 = 0x56,Release87 = 0x57,Release88 = 0x58,Release89 = 0x59,Release9 = 9,Release90 = 90,Release91 = 0x5b,Release92 = 0x5c,Release93 = 0x5d,Release94 = 0x5e,Release95 = 0x5f,Release96 = 0x60,Release97 = 0x61,Release98 = 0x62,Release99 = 0x63,ReleaseCheckExtended = 0x7d,ReleaseCurrent = 0xc2,ReleaseExtendedCurrent = 0xf4,ReleaseExtendedNewest = 1,ReleaseMax = 0x7fffffff,ReleaseNewest = 0xc2,ReleaseUnknown = 0x7ffffffe}
public enum MaintenanceReleaseVersion { Release0 = 0, Release1 = 1, Release10 = 10, Release100 = 100, Release101 = 0x65, Release102 = 0x66, Release103 = 0x67, Release104 = 0x68, Release105 = 0x69, Release106 = 0x6a, Release107 = 0x6b, Release108 = 0x6c, Release109 = 0x6d, Release11 = 11, Release110 = 110, Release111 = 0x6f, Release112 = 0x70, Release113 = 0x71, Release114 = 0x72, Release115 = 0x73, Release116 = 0x74, Release117 = 0x75, Release118 = 0x76, Release119 = 0x77, Release12 = 12, Release120 = 120, Release121 = 0x79, Release122 = 0x7a, Release123 = 0x7b, Release124 = 0x7c, Release125 = 0x7d, Release126 = 0x7e, Release127 = 0x7f, Release128 = 0x80, Release129 = 0x81, Release13 = 13, Release130 = 130, Release131 = 0x83, Release132 = 0x84, Release133 = 0x85, Release134 = 0x86, Release135 = 0x87, Release136 = 0x88, Release137 = 0x89, Release138 = 0x8a, Release139 = 0x8b, Release14 = 14, Release140 = 140, Release141 = 0x8d, Release142 = 0x8e, Release143 = 0x8f, Release144 = 0x90, Release145 = 0x91, Release146 = 0x92, Release147 = 0x93, Release148 = 0x94, Release149 = 0x95, Release15 = 15, Release150 = 150, Release151 = 0x97, Release152 = 0x98, Release153 = 0x99, Release154 = 0x9a, Release155 = 0x9b, Release156 = 0x9c, Release157 = 0x9d, Release158 = 0x9e, Release159 = 0x9f, Release16 = 0x10, Release160 = 160, Release17 = 0x11, Release18 = 0x12, Release19 = 0x13, Release2 = 2, Release20 = 20, Release2010Max = 0xff, Release2010Newest = 0xe2, Release21 = 0x15, Release22 = 0x16, Release23 = 0x17, Release24 = 0x18, Release25 = 0x19, Release26 = 0x1a, Release27 = 0x1b, Release28 = 0x1c, Release29 = 0x1d, Release3 = 3, Release30 = 30, Release31 = 0x1f, Release32 = 0x20, Release33 = 0x21, Release34 = 0x22, Release35 = 0x23, Release36 = 0x24, Release37 = 0x25, Release38 = 0x26, Release39 = 0x27, Release4 = 4, Release40 = 40, Release41 = 0x29, Release42 = 0x2a, Release43 = 0x2b, Release44 = 0x2c, Release45 = 0x2d, Release46 = 0x2e, Release47 = 0x2f, Release48 = 0x30, Release49 = 0x31, Release5 = 5, Release50 = 50, Release51 = 0x33, Release52 = 0x34, Release53 = 0x35, Release54 = 0x36, Release55 = 0x37, Release56 = 0x38, Release57 = 0x39, Release58 = 0x3a, Release59 = 0x3b, Release6 = 6, Release60 = 60, Release61 = 0x3d, Release62 = 0x3e, Release63 = 0x3f, Release64 = 0x40, Release65 = 0x41, Release66 = 0x42, Release67 = 0x43, Release68 = 0x44, Release69 = 0x45, Release7 = 7, Release70 = 70, Release71 = 0x47, Release72 = 0x48, Release73 = 0x49, Release74 = 0x4a, Release75 = 0x4b, Release76 = 0x4c, Release77 = 0x4d, Release78 = 0x4e, Release79 = 0x4f, Release8 = 8, Release80 = 80, Release81 = 0x51, Release82 = 0x52, Release83 = 0x53, Release84 = 0x54, Release85 = 0x55, Release86 = 0x56, Release87 = 0x57, Release88 = 0x58, Release89 = 0x59, Release9 = 9, Release90 = 90, Release91 = 0x5b, Release92 = 0x5c, Release93 = 0x5d, Release94 = 0x5e, Release95 = 0x5f, Release96 = 0x60, Release97 = 0x61, Release98 = 0x62, Release99 = 0x63, ReleaseCheckExtended = 0x7d, ReleaseCurrent = 0xd9, ReleaseExtendedCurrent = 0x10b, ReleaseExtendedNewest = 1, ReleaseMax = 0x7fffffff, ReleaseNewest = 0xd9, ReleaseUnknown = 0x7ffffffe}
public static bool publishThisDsd(string dwgName, string dsdName);
public static bool publishThisDsd(string dwgName, string dsdName, bool isOrderDependent);
What's New in Autodesk ObjectARX for AutoCAD 2023.
New in AcDb
Not intended to be used by ObjectARX applications because the AcDbObject audit methods expect a system-created AcDbAuditInfo object.
Returns the database associated with this instance of an AcDbAuditInfo object.
Sets the database associated with this instance of an AcDbAuditInfo object.
Defines the symbol iterator type.
Checks for a registered application name.
Registers an application name (for use by Xdata).
Defines the symbol iterator type.
Defines the symbol iterator type.
Defines the symbol iterator type.
Returns the name of the long transaction. For identification purposes, this is normally the name of the origin block. However, if the origin block is an Xref, it returns the name of the Xref Block in the host drawing. If the block is a Layout, it returns the name of the Layout.
Defines the symbol iterator type.
This static member function creates AcDbRegion objects from the closed loops represented by the curves contained in the curveSegments array.The newly created region objects are returned in the regions array.
Defines the symbol iterator type.
Defines the symbol iterator type.
Calls the getObject() function of the top transaction passing on all the arguments it has received.Note: Template allowing callers to pass in any pointer type and helps to avoid unsafe (AcDbObject * &) casts.Objects can only be obtained within the top transaction, so this function saves the trouble of having to either keep a pointer to the top transaction or use the AcTransactionManager::topTransaction() function to obtain it.The AcDbTransactionManager::getObject() function is the transaction equivalent of acdbOpenObject(). A pointer to the object identified by objectId is obtained under the transaction and returned in the pObject argument. The mode argument specifies how the object is to be treated--as AcDb::kForRead, AcDb::kForWrite, or AcDb::kForNotify. If the openErasedObject Boolean is Adesk::kTrue, then even an erased object can be obtained. If openErasedObject is Adesk::kFalse, then trying to obtain an erased entity results in an error return value.Returns Acad::eOk if successful. If openErasedObject is Adesk::kFalse, then trying to obtain an erased object results in a return status of Acad::eWasErased. If there are currently no transactions, then it returns Acad::eNoActiveTransactions.Reminder: Obtaining an object pointer via getObject() runs in parallel with acdbOpenObject(). This means that both can be in effect at the same time with AcDb::kForWrite status in both. For more information, see the section on transactions in the ObjectARX Developer's Guide.
Defines the symbol iterator type.
Defines the symbol iterator type.
Defines the symbol iterator type.
New in AcAp
Returns a new pointer to an AcApDocumentIterator object.
Checks to see if this is a floating frame and the floating frame is pinned.
Fired when a document window is to be docked from a floating frame back to the MDI child frame.
New in AcGi
The context can be thought of as the root object of the regeneration. A single instance of an AcGiContext-derived class serves as a point of reference during a given regen. It is accessible via both AcGiWorldDraw and AcGiViewportDraw and hence is always available to the client.It is guaranteed that the AcGiViewportDraw passed in to viewportDraw() will return the same instance of AcGiContext as that returned by the instance of AcGiWorldDraw passed into the preceding call to worldDraw().
Indicates whether the hatch object is forced to fill itself as it is being drawn.
Indicates whether the background for hatch objects is suppressed.
Indicates whether smart mode is used to control the drawing and indexing of hatch objects with dense patterns; objects are drawn with the pattern or as a solid.
New in AcGs
Gets the value for the advanced Metal mode.Note: This setting is related to the Apple Metal API.
Sets the value for the advanced Metal mode.Note: This setting is related to the Apple Metal API.
New in AcRx
Helper template that performs object cloning, casting and error checking.
New in AcTransaction
Transaction equivalent of acdbOpenObject.Note: Template allowing callers to pass in any pointer type and helps to avoid unsafe (AcDbObject * &) casts.A pointer to the object identified by objectId is obtained under the transaction and returned in the obj argument. The mode argument specifies how the object is to be treated--as AcDb::kForRead, AcDb::kForWrite, or AcDb::kForNotify. If the openErasedObject Boolean is true, then even an erased object can be obtained. If openErasedObject is false, then trying to obtain an erased entity results in an error return value.Returns Acad::eOk if successful. If openErasedObject is false, then trying to obtain an erased object results in a return status of Acad::eWasErased. If there are currently no transactions, then it returns Acad::eNoActiveTransactions.Reminder Obtaining an object pointer via getObject() runs in parallel with acdbOpenObject(). This means that both can be in effect at the same time with AcDb::kForWrite status in both. For more information, see the section on transactions in the ObjectARX Developer's Guide.Note This function is duplicated in the AcTransactionManager class where it always operates on the topmost AcTransaction object (by calling the getObject() function in the topmost transaction object). Only the topmost transaction is allowed to obtain entities, so using the AcTransactionManager version of this function is safer and easier.
New in AcTrayItem
Represents the click event's callback data.
Represents the function address of the click event's callback.
New in Global Functions
Deprecated. Formats an angle into a string.The value to format should correspond to values allowed for the AutoCAD system variable AUNITS, which are described in acdbAngToF().The current value of the AutoCAD dimensioning variable DIMZIN controls how acdbAngToS() writes leading or trailing zeros to str. See the AutoCAD User's Guide for possible values of DIMZIN.On success returns RTNORM, otherwise returns an error code.
Identical to acdbAngToS(), except that the input angle is not reduced to the range (-360,360).
Formats a floating-point value as a string.The following table lists the valid values for the units argument.Linear units values:
Searches for the specified file.The result argument must point to a buffer large enough to hold the qualified file name: depending on the directory structure of the current environment, this can be quite long. The maximum length of result is platform dependent. On platforms that restrict file-name length, it is 78 characters; on platforms that don't restrict file-name length, it is 511.This function makes no assumption about the type of the file, and does not attempt to append any kind of file-name extension. If the file you are searching for does have an extension to its name, the extension must be included in the fname argument.If fname is qualified by including a drive or directory prefix (for example, "d:test.exp"), acedFindFile() searches only that disk or directory. Otherwise, acedFindFile() searches for fname according to the current AutoCAD library path, which consists of the following directories, in order:
Depending on the current environment, two or more of these directories may be the same.If acedFindFile() finds the file, it returns RTNORM; otherwise, it returns RTERROR. |
Searches the AutoCAD trusted file paths for the specified file. The command looks for the file in the regular AutoCAD search path. If a match is found, it verifies if the file path is part of trustedpaths. If the file is not present in any of the directories in the trusted file paths, the function returns NULL.
Retrieves the localized or English name of an AutoCAD command after allocating memory for it.The acedGetCName() function returns RTNORM to indicate success, RTERROR to indicate failure to allocate memory for the string result, or another error code if the function fails to retrieve the result.
Retrieves the value of an environment variable. Looks first in the AutoCAD-specific FixedProfile/General section of the registry:
Gets user input for an integer.The AutoCAD user can enter any valid 32-bit integer.The user cannot respond to acedGetInt() by entering an AutoLISP expression.The acedGetInt() function returns one of the following: RTNORM if it succeeds, RTERROR if it fails, or RTCAN if the user cancels the request (by pressing [ESC]). A prior call to acedInitGet() can also enable return values of RTNONE or RTKWORD.
Gets user input for an integer.The AutoCAD user can enter any valid 32-bit integer.The user cannot respond to acedGetInt() by entering an AutoLISP expression.The acedGetInt() function returns one of the following: RTNORM if it succeeds, RTERROR if it fails, or RTCAN if the user cancels the request (by pressing [ESC]). A prior call to acedInitGet() can also enable return values of RTNONE or RTKWORD.
This function provides access to the Windows Favorites directory of the current user.Note: This overload does not take a size arg and is deprecated. Use the other overload instead.Returns Adesk::kTrue on success; Adesk::kFalse on failure.
This function accepts a path to an (MSIE-compatible) Internet shortcut file and extracts the URL from it (the inverse of acedCreateInternetShortcut()).It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that szURL points to a sufficiently large buffer.Returns Adesk::kTrue on success; Adesk::kFalse on failure.
This function resolves Windows shell links (in other words, shortcuts and returns the path to the underlying object (the inverse of acedCreateShortcut()).Returns Adesk::kTrue on success; Adesk::kFalse on failure.
Define this if you want auto initialization of AcRxClasses in your DLL.
Removes a C++ class from the ObjectARX run-time class tree and do all the necessary cleanup that may be involved, such as making a proxy of any objects or entities of the class that are present in any AcDbDatabase objects. pClassObj must point to the AcRxClass object that is in the ObjectARX run-time class tree and represents the C++ class to be removed.Note: For Internal Use Only.
New in MFC Extension Classes
Called to determine the height of each item in the list, in pixels. By default, returns a value calculated from the height of an OR bar (|) using the control's current font.
Called to determine the height of each item in the list, in pixels. By default, returns a value calculated from the height of an OR bar (|) using the control's current font.
Gets a filesystem type object based on the specified volume.
New in Miscellaneous Classes
Variadic method allows appending an arbitrary list of values.E.g.: arr.appendList(v1, v2, v3);
Appends the value to the array n times.E.g.: arr.appendRep(v1, 7);
Initializes new cells to value.
New Types and Unions
This typedef defines the color information and dimensions for a device independent bitmap (DIB) file.
AutoCAD 2023 System requirements
System requirements for AutoCAD 2023 including Specialized Toolsets (Windows) | |
Operating System | 64-bit Microsoft® Windows® 11 and Windows 10 version 1809 or above. See Autodesk's Product Support Lifecycle for support information. |
Processor | Basic: 2.5–2.9 GHz processor (base) ARM Processors are not supported. Recommended: 3+ GHz processor (base), 4+ GHz (turbo) |
Memory | Basic: 8 GB Recommended: 16 GB |
Display Resolution | Conventional Displays: 1920 x 1080 with True Color High Resolution & 4K Displays: Resolutions up to Resolutions up to 3840 x 2160 (with capable display card) |
Display Card | Basic: 1 GB GPU with 29 GB/s Bandwidth and DirectX 11 compliant Recommended: 4 GB GPU with 106 GB/s Bandwidth and DirectX 12 compliant |
Disk Space | 10.0 GB (suggested SSD) |
Network | See Autodesk Network License Manager for Windows |
Pointing Device | MS-Mouse compliant |
.NET Framework | .NET Framework version 4.8 or later |
System requirements for AutoCAD 2023 for Mac | |
Operating System | Apple® macOS® Monterey v12 Apple macOS Big Sur v11 Apple macOS Catalina v10.15 |
Model | Basic: Apple Mac Pro® 4.1, MacBook Pro 5.1, iMac® 8.1, Mac mini® 3.1, MacBook Air®, MacBook® 5.1 Recommended: Apple Mac® models supporting Metal Graphics Engine Apple Mac models with M series chip are supported under Rosetta 2 mode. |
CPU Type | 64-bit Intel CPU Apple M series CPU |
Memory | Basic: 4GB Recommended: 8GB or higher |
Display Resolution | Basic: 1280 x 800 display High Resolution: 2880 x 1800 with Retina Display |
Disk Space | 5 GB free disk space for download and installation |
Pointing Device | Apple-compliant Mouse, Apple-compliant Trackpad, Microsoft-compliant mouse |
Display Card | Recommended: Mac native installed graphics cards |
Disk Format | APFS, APFS(Encrypted), Mac OS Extended (Journaled), Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Encrypted) |
Additional Requirements for large datasets, point clouds, and 3D modeling | |
Memory | 16 GB RAM or more |
Disk Space | 6 GB free hard disk available, not including installation requirements |
Display Card | 3840 x 2160 (4K) or greater True Color video display adapter; 8 GB VRAM or greater; Pixel Shader 3.0 or greater; DirectX-capable workstation class graphics card. |
Specialized Toolsets (Windows Only)
Toolset | Additional Requirements |
AutoCAD Map 3D | Disk Space: 20GB Memory: 16GB Database & FDO Requirements (see below) |
AutoCAD Electrical | Disk Space: 20GB Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable (x64) (16.0.5044.1000) or later |
AutoCAD Architecture | Disk Space: 20GB Memory: 16GB |
AutoCAD MEP | Disk Space: 21GB Memory: 16GB |
AutoCAD Plant 3D | Disk Space: 12GB |
AutoCAD Mechanical | Disk Space: 12GB |
AutoCAD Raster Design | Disk Space: 1GB |
AutoCAD Map 3D Additional Requirements (Windows Only)
FDO Provider Requirements | ||
FDO Provider | Certified With | Notes |
Microsoft SQL Server | Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard and Enterprise Editions Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Standard and Enterprise Editions |
Industry Models also support the versions of Microsoft SQL Server listed on the left. |
Oracle 12c Release 2 | Oracle Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition |
Industry Models support the same Oracle versions as listed on the left. |
Oracle 18c | Oracle 18.3 Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition 2 |
Industry Models support the same Oracle versions as listed on the left. |
Oracle 19c | Oracle 19.3 Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition 2 |
Industry Models support the same Oracle versions as listed on the left. |
Oracle 21c | Oracle 21.3 Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition 2 |
Industry Models support the same Oracle versions as listed on the left. |
Autodesk SDF | 3.0 | |
ESRI ArcGIS | ArcGIS® 10.8.1 ArcGIS 10.7.1 ArcGIS 10.6.1 |
This Provider requires ESRI licensed components (ArcGIS Engine/ArcGIS Desktop) to be installed on Map 3D installed system. |
MySQL | 8.0 | |
ODBC | The FDO ODBC provider has been tested with corresponding versions of ODBC drivers that are shipped with the relevant supported operating systems version. | |
OGC WMS | WMS 1.3.0 | |
OGC WMTS | WMS 1.0.0 | |
OGC WFS | WFS 2.0.0 | |
SQLite | SQLite 3.27.2 | |
PostgresSQL | PostgreSQL 12.2 + PostGIS 3.0 |
ODBC Drivers | Tested Versions |
Microsoft® Access® Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb) | Microsoft Access database engine 2016 (English) 16.00.4999.1000 |
Microsoft® Excel® Driver (*.xls, *xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb) | Microsoft Access database engine 2016 (English) 16.00.4999.1000 |
MySQL® ODBC 8.0 Driver | |
SQL Server® | 10.00.19041.01 |
Oracle® in OraClient19Home1 | |
Note: Not all Autodesk product offerings may be virtualized. You may virtualize a product only if the applicable terms and conditions governing your access to and use of that offering expressly permit virtualization. Where virtualization is authorized, all conditions and limitations specified in the applicable terms and conditions apply. Autodesk may make available information regarding use of products in virtualized environments. Such information is offered solely for your convenience, on an “as is” basis, and may contain errors, inaccuracies, or may be incomplete. Autodesk makes no representations, warranties or other promises related to use of any product in any virtualization environment or with any virtualization technology. If you are authorized to virtualize and elect to do so, you assume all risks associated with such use, including, but not limited to incompatibility between the product and third-party virtualization technology and/or your virtualization environment. Read our Terms of Use for more information. Certified hardware for AutoCAD - Use this tool to find recommended graphics hardware and drivers. Autodesk tests graphics hardware and drivers for a number of Autodesk products. Please note that not all Autodesk products participate in graphic hardware certification. AutoCAD Certified Hardware FAQ
Based on system requirements found here.
FlexNet version for Autodesk Network License Manager.
Autodesk recommends installing the Network License Manager in the default installation folder. Starting with version v11.13.1.2, the default installation folder has changed to C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager.
Supported operating systems for the license manager are:
Windows® System Requirements
Windows System Requirements for Network License Manager | |
Processor | 1.2 GHz minimum |
Network Interface Card | Ethernet network configuration |
Operating System | Microsoft® Windows:
FlexNet | |
Communication Protocol | TCP/IP Note: Network License Manager uses TCP packet types |
Virtualization Support | VMWare ESXi 6.5 and 6.7 (License Manager only)
Citrix® XenApp™ 8
Citrix XenDesktop™ 8
Microsoft Hyper-V 2019, Windows 10 Pro
VMWare Workstation 15.x
Parallels Desktop 15.0
Mac OS X System Requirements for Network License Manager | |
Processor | Intel® Core i5 or higher, 1.2 GHz minimum |
Network Interface Card | Ethernet network configuration |
Operating System |
FlexNet | |
Communication Protocol | TCP/IP Note: Network License Manager uses TCP packet types |
Linux System Requirements for Network License Manager | |
Processor | 1.2 GHz minimum |
Network Interface Card | Ethernet network configuration |
Operating System |
FlexNet | |
Communication Protocol | TCP/IP Note: Network License Manager uses TCP packet types |
More details here.
List of product fixes included in AutoCAD 2023:
3D |
REGEN doesn't display 3dsolids after ISOLINES 0 and ISOLINES 4 |
AutoCAD hangs in Material Dropdown for Custom Solids |
Rectangular ring can't sweep along rectangle path |
Difficulty scaling a drawing file from SAT (.sat file assembly) that is imported into AutoCAD |
Unable to render vertical DWGs in AutoCAD |
Text, annotations and dimensions |
MTEXT Remove Character formatting shortcut keys Ctrl+Space is not working |
The background mask is not displayed correctly - text displays as incomplete |
Spelling mistake in an AutoCAD Message dialog - "occured" |
Double-clicking to edit specific text hangs |
Dimension gets flagged as disassociated annotation when using DIMCONTINUE for different 3D object types |
Value of trans spatial dimension in an external reference changes after using Refclose |
Dimensions on xref is not associative |
When jog line is added to vertical dimension far from origin, jog line is missing. |
Drafting and Editing |
Crash when drag mline point on based drawing |
Cannot exit MULTIPLE command after changing layer |
HIDEOBJECTS "only" works 127 times per session |
Blocks created with MEASURE command are not scaling |
Crash when edit table cell with property preview on |
Tangent lines of polylines won't be mirrored |
SPLINE gives incorrect area property |
OSNAP sometimes does not snap to the target point |
Table from valid datalink fails for no reason without any error reported |
In large-coordinates two poly lines are recognized as intersected though they are not actually |
Impossible to trim 2 touching arcs in AutoCAD |
Crash happened after closing autocad when you have opened background dialog |
Error in the dialog box of the DSETTINGS command |
Extend command causing freezing or unresponsiveness |
Text color is black after pastespecial from Excel |
Cursor jumps to a far point then back after click right mouse button to finish selection |
OVERKILL never finishes |
Random Spline gets created when adding hatch with 3D template in AutoCAD |
Blocks created with MEASURE command are not scaling |
When HPLINETYPE is set to 1, hatching object is detected as Only in Current Drawing in COMPARE command |
dbConnect: Save drawing fails for Civil 3d drawing |
OSNAP sometimes does not snap to the target point |
In large-coordinates two poly lines are recognized as intersected though they are not actually |
Cursor jumps to a far point then back after click right mouse button to finish selection |
Blocks and XREFs |
Internal block content is duplicated when doing RECOVER or AUDIT on certain files |
Block palette should not regenerate all thumbnails in current tab when save drawing to legacy format |
-WBLOCK command not creating thumbnail image |
The reserved blocks are displayed on blocks palette library tab |
The recent block will be deleted creating a new drawing |
AutoCAD will crash calling "blockspalette" command twice |
Can't specify the rotation angle for each instance when insert block via block palette with Repeat option checked |
AutoCAD crashes when adding some blocks into Favorite |
AutoCAD crashes when browsing the drawings with some blocks in blocks palette |
Active viewport zooms out several times when open Block palette |
Drawing Recover warning when saveas after detaching xref with associative dimension |
Autodesk Docs |
Truncation in "Push to Autodesk docs" dialog causes unreadable text |
Autodesk Docs should save back up files by default |
Update localization for PushToAutodeskDocs plugin |
Share DWG: The link cannot be generated for share |
Web and Cloud Data Flow |
The "Start" page is blank if install the product under the path which includes non-English characters |
Desktop Connector |
RealDWG needs to improve Desktop Connector performance. |
Trace |
Trace Palette not refreshing after clicking Close drawing Button on Right Top of window. |
Trace visor closes after switch drawings when another drawing is running COMPARE |
Tooltips on traces palette always use dark color theme even if Acad uses light color theme. |
Count |
Xref compare toolbar goes missing after switch drawing and invoke count |
Version compare toolbar missing after invoke count |
Ellipse with dot linetype displays wrong when zoom in counting mode. |
Count number cannot update on count palette after change the block to off or frozen layer |
XCLIP boundary is not shown when change to 3d visual style with count palette opened |
Move block is very slow if Count palette is opened |
Group result is inconsistent with the order of opening in the count palette |
ACAD will hang 60s, when "ctrl +z" when count palette has been opened |
Incorrect count number on count palette for array |
The drawing canvas zooms out to a very large level with COUNT toolbar after switch highlight to two remote blocks and REGEN |
Compare mode shows no difference for Pline with 2DRETAINMODE on |
F1 from command line can't call out help page for Count command |
Count palette is not expanded when input COUNTLIST command with auto-hide |
COUNTTABLE inserts a table that contains an extra row when a block is filtered by scale |
A portion of the COUNT palette does not display correctly after Alt+Tab switch from drawing in compare status to normal drawing |
Count palette hangs for long time if resize after expanding groups with 1000+ items |
Choosing expand by mirror state for block is wrong |
Expand by scale on a block which is used on dimension causes the countfield number to be inconsistent |
Plot and Publish |
Hidden lines plot as continuous |
Rows in plot style table editor Table View are misaligned for stb opened via Plot dialog |
Sheet set to pdf duplicating views bookmarks in pdf |
Plot rotation angle cannot be aquired in the DBX modules |
DWG TrueView plot behavior differs from AutoCAD |
Significant PDF file size difference between AutoCAD and OEM |
Incorrect colors for solid objects in pure ACAD when export to DWF / Navisworks |
Xreffed TIF files plot incorrectly to PLT (HP/GL) file |
"Memory allocation error" and failed plot when plotting large images to HPGL2 driver via Window plot |
Unable to allocate memory error in hpg216.hdi plotter driver |
Plot preview and plot hardcopy result displays incorrectly (blank, shifted-scaled) on specific plotter drivers |
Publishing to PDF through accoreconsole changes text formatting |
PDFs created from AutoCAD 2021 and above cause slowness when generating/opening PDF |
Paper sizes and margins shown in Metric units |
Incorrect custom page size on Spirit plotter driver |
When custom paper size is set by [DocuWorks Printer], paper size is not applied in AutoCAD |
OLE Table cells plot white text on black background |
Plot and publish warning when plotting with GSF graphics turned ON |
Issue plotting to Default Windows System Printer.pc3 |
An error occurs when plotting a drawing file with text that is corrupted and cannot interpret spaces correctly |
User Interface and Options |
Sheet Set Template file locations are missing in Options |
Default Lineweight setting resets from 0 to 25 after restart |
Edit text 128 times using Property-palette and the ESC key will not work and selection stops working |
Crash when ribbon is updating status bar before file is opened |
Palette Sheet Set Manager: Revision Number from Sheet Set will not work in Sheet Index |
Unlocalized string in "Autodesk Connection Point Editor" dialog |
Extra item in "Autodesk Connection Point Editor" dialog |
LayerFilterComboControl ribbon icon is invisible on the home tab |
Workspaces: Error dialog pops up and says "Windows cannot find "C:\Program"" |
The App Store link is incorrect for the Chinese Traditional product |
Ribbon displayed wrong when undocked and user clicks minimize to panel buttons |
Select Windows dialog box not resizable |
Data Exchange and Interoperability |
DGNEXPORT gives permission error when selecting a OneDrive folder for the output location |
Some line display has differences when comared to the older AutoCAD versions when importing pro-E files |
Raster Design: Property palette can't show properties for REM object and image mask |
Vault addin is not showing in tool bar of AutoCAD 2022 if the setting is migrated from older release |
Model Documentation: AutoCAD will hang after select an Inventor file - .iam file. |
Graphics |
Impossible to zoom and pan with in place editor (IPE) activated on large MTEXT with missing font |
Object independent transparency overflow more easily happens in machines with 4K monitor and GPU with more than 4G dedicated video memory |
Crash when turn on Hardware Acceleration after switch drawing and open Materials Editor |
Slow pan/zoom performance with Civil3D dwg and NVIDIA graphics card |
AutoCAD Solid edges are dislocated in 3d Visual Styles |
Graphics kernal error when quit ACAD after run script |
Cursor disappears when calling lisp routine in command |
Crosshair disappears in transparent zoom window |
Crosshair disappears at GETANG function |
Crash during preview display of multiple entities while using modify commands in a viewport when DRAGMODE=Auto |
Some 3D entities in the drawing are not displayed when it's open after dedicated GPU memory usage reaches a high level |
Crash when Pan raster image in the top left corner of the canvas after with large number of textures in the drawing |
Extra lines displayed using DX12 graphics |
Canvas is not updated when hold middle mouse button to pan during the MOCORO command |
Crash closing multiple drawings if the graphics system released an object still in use |
Crash when switch to layout after opening a lot of drawings on Intel display card with 4G GPU |
Mouse disappears from drawing area during Editor.GetPoint() while jigging |
It does not show the jig preview when create objects via Lisp |
Crash while MIRROR multiple entities in one of the viewports when dragp1 =0 and dragp2=500 |
Crash related to DX12 pipeline state |
Crash using VIEWBASE with Scale option |
Point cloud in Elevation Stylization shows graphical artifacts, flashing squares/sectors when orbiting in 2022 with Dx12 and units is unitless |
Drawing flashes when you create a light and set vsshadows=2 |
Multi Monitor: Quick Access Toolbar resets after Civil 3D/AutoCAD changes screens in remote connection |
Multi Monitor: When add an attribute twice on multi-monitor, the Edit Attribute dialog will show on another monitor |
Cursor does not display on palettes in 4k Display |
DesignCenter does not create DWG preview thumbnails on 4k monitors set to 200% |
Drawing view turns to the original view after change to Parallel or Perspective |
Ghost text is shown in dialog dropdown list on Windows 11 operating system |
The temporary prompt history for an undocked command window displayed from the right instead of left on Win10 x64. Version 1903 |
Cursor disappears when calling lisp routine in command |
Objects in the drawing will be hidden after zoom extents and zoom original |
Floating Drawing Tab won't stick to screen edges when changing application focus |
Floating Drawings: Close, Minimize, Maximize buttons disappear and reappear without working with menubar 1 and startmode 0 |
Toolbar commands need to be clicked twice with Floating Window active |
Crash with structure objects |
AutoCAD does not maintain the enlarged window mode |
Text visibility is leaving artifacts after panning |
AutoCAD does not maintain the enlarged window mode |
Performance |
Viewbase viewports causing crash |
Crash live previewing hatch or properties |
Slow picking and selecting in model space with certain drawings |
Increase in filesize and slow performance when DISPSILH is 1 |
Strong increase of disk workload of accoreconsole.exe |
SaveAs dialog causes network delays when path is invalid |
Publishing a sheet set fails if Drawings contain apostrophe in file name |
Crash with background publish to a path greater than 256 characters |
There is an obvious delay when expanding the dropdown list in Autodesk Connection Point dialog |
Crashes, hanging and corrupt drawings |
STATUS command crashes and gives garbage data if drawing file is on disk with more than 4TB free space |
Crash after autosave after BEDIT |
AUDIT of a block name with "|" is not reported as error nor fixed |
Crash when save/saveas/qsave certain drawings to pre-2018 file format |
AutoCAD Error saving after purging Regapps "Object(s) added to DB too late during save" |
Crash when Sign Out and Quit from Autodesk Account |
Crash when save Advance Steel model in pure ACAD with DEMANDLOAD on 0 |
Crash when Close AutoCAD after Reset from Profiles tab on Option dialog |
Objects in the drawing will be hidden after zoom extents and zoom original |
AutoCAD hangs when copy/paste objects in specific drawing |
Crash when 2nd user opens an already open Sheet Set Manager sheet in DST residing on BIM360 (Desktop Connector) |
Crash when New drawing if Startmode = 0 and Count or Trace palette is open |
Crash when switch from custom viewport configuration |
Crash setting comand line editor |
Spline edit causes AutoCAD to hang |
Crash on resolving an xref when open a drawing |
ACAD will hang 45s, when trim on certain drawings |
Crash in "Compare results" drawing |
AutoCad crash when use compare after -insertcontent |
Hang when saving during formatThumbnail |
Crash on resolving an xref when open a drawing |
TRUEVIEW crashes when creating Plot Style Table from custom CFG file |
Crash after failed to trigger Raster Design component when select image mask (Raster Design splash image pops up several times abnomally) |
Merging a vector to Raster crashes |
Model documentation: AutoCAD crashing when trying to dimension from VIEWBASE |
Crash when switch to Model tab from layout |
Crash from graphics code zooming in drawing file |
Crash on closing document for ExportC3Ddrawing case |
Getting Started |
Wrong Product Icon in Help Browser Window |
"My Insights" text needs to be updated for opted-out user |
Crash on starting the application home page |
Alert/notification expiration date not being honored and alerts display after |
Application Home - Learning tab videos with long title or description overlap |
Application Home's Insights need to use underscores not hyphens in locale URL strings |
Programming |
Object Arx: Cannot attach large text data by Xrecord |
GetFilename returns autosaved filename after saveas |
Real DWG API: Layout initialize doesn't set the default Paperspace viewport view direction to 0,0,1 resulting in an AUDIT error |
OEM Make Wizard: In the Master/AOEM path, the file name acdchatch.arx is in the camel case, and in the MakeWizard path, it converts the camel case to lower case |
ActionBody of deleted object is not getting deleted with saving DWG, when ISAVEPERCENT is set to 100 |
HTTP used instead of HTTPS values for ExchangeServerURL |
Real DWG API: Wrong relative references returned when retrieved from original but a copy of the file exists in different folders |
Object Arx: Crash when using ads_slide_image() for a slide in a slide library |
Crash on changing view with an active COM API event handler |
Visual problem with transparent commands |
Problems with navigation during LISP "getpoint" function |
ObjectARX Load aborted notification that should not occur |
Crashes after add-in is loaded |
Verticals are not able to control dialog size to resize a dialog |
RealDWG always returns absolute Path for xrefs rather than Saved Path |
Need to be able to change the application home image for the start screen with the OEM Wizard |
ATIL: Cannot MAPIIMPORT TIF raster correctly to Civil 3D 2022 |
Still missing
Still missing. Wish list for the next time.
Setting for how many virtual processors to use for background Publish.
Unfortunately there is no tooltip or preview image when holding the mouse over a layout tab name in the vertical layout list. This makes it hard to see layout names that are too long to show completely.
Support multi-line text in Sheet Set Manager or allow to enter Unicode \U+000A to force a new line (line feed).
Add the ability to create custom subset properties in Sheet Set Manager. Subset custom properties.
A wish for future updates to AutoCAD is that DXEVAL settings would be used to automatically update also the Sheet List Table.
Add support for Sheet Revision Number, Sheet Revision Date, Sheet Purpose, Sheet Category as Sheet List Table Data types.
MEASUREGEOM yellow color needs to be customizable as it is very hard to see against a white background.
When copying and pasting between drawings not have the current layer copied too when there are no objects copied on that layer.
Existing bugs
Existing bugs, defects, feature limitation or other issues.
Sheet Set Manager palette open and dock state is not retained between sessions. Bug introduced by 2023.1.0 Update.
Personal Mtext Symbols functionality is broken. The first one is not working, the second one takes the value from the first one, etc.
If either of the Sheet title, Layout name or File name includes # (number sign, hash, or pound sign) then you will be in trouble. First of all the Sheet Number may be incorrect, second the Sheet Title may be incorrect and third if you click through on the hyperlink you can get the “Hyperlink destination cannot be found.” error. Workaround is to use this similar looking character #.
Either copy it from here # or press and hold down the Alt key, type on the numeric keypad 065283 and then release the Alt key.
Following a hyperlink from one drawing to another drawing will change the size of the AutoCAD window if it is maximized.
When opening a drawing with lost set association the dialog box shows the text %PathToSheetSetAndFileName% instead of the actual path and file name.
When trying to change height of ATTEDIT dialog box it looks like the height can be changed because the cursor changes.
In ATTEDIT dialog box there is a lot of extra space below the buttons.
APPAUTOLOAD set to 0 still loads .NET apps.
Enhanced Attribute Editor (EATTEDIT) is missing & in block names and tag names (at the top) containing &. For example a block named a&b shows up as ab. Similar problem with ATTEDIT dialog box.
EXPORTLAYOUT command to support wipeout objects. (Export Layout to Model/Save Layout as Drawing)
Isolating layer from Layer Properties Manager and then running LAYUNISO results in "No layers to restore from LAYISO command.".
(osnap (getpoint) "QUI,END") will always return nil because quick osnap is not available in AutoCAD 2016 or newer.
Compare is not handling attribute definitions correctly.
Renaming category of sheet category name in SSM is not working. The old name returns after opening the view once.
Text justification issue with attributes in block based multiline leaders. Detailed information.
Unicode characters (possibly Sheet Set Manager related) not resolving in fields in simple Text. Detailed information.
If a count table is created for an area it will not update if using an older version of AutoCAD.
Layers in the layer manager can't be dragged and dropped into a layer group when AutoCAD runs in Windows 11. - fixed in AutoCAD 2023.0.1 Update
Following hyperlink to image causes AutoCAD to be minimized.
DWG Convert, Etransmit, and Archive
The ZIP option of the DWGCONVERT, ETRANSMIT, and ARCHIVE commands now create UTF-8 ZIP files, which uses the popular 8-bit form of Unicode for file names. This means that you can package files that have names with extended font characters. The file names will not display correctly if you use ZIP utilities that don't support UTF-8 ZIP files. Use a ZIP utility such as 7-Zip to correctly display and extract these files.
Feature-Specific Requirements
Starting with AutoCAD 2017-based products, BMP files no longer support the color value of 192,192,192 as a transparent color. Custom images that need to support transparency must now be saved as a PNG file.
AutoCAD’s Data Extraction workflow will now automatically use Microsoft’s Access Database Engine by default when it’s available on your system. If the Access Database Engine is not available, the Jet Database Engine will be used as with previous releases.
Using ACCoreConsole to publish will only publish drawings using software Z-buffer rasterization. If you want to plot using hardware accelerated rasterization, you should plot or publish through AutoCAD. BGCorePublish utilizes ACCoreConsole and should be turned off to use hardware accelerated rasterization.
On the Windows 11 operating system, OLE image objects (BMP, PNG, GIF, and so on) don’t display and can’t be plotted as expected. This is due to a limitation in the Paint application that ships with Windows 11. AutoCAD is affected the same way other Windows applications are affected. For more information, see Pasting an Image into a MS Access Image (OLE Object) Control Doesn't Work in Windows 11.
Tips & Tricks
Tips & Tricks
AutoCAD 2023 also is referred to as ACAD2023 or ACAD 2023.
AutoCAD 2023 product key is 001O1.
Network License Feature code for AutoCAD 2023: 87676ACD_2023_0F
AutoCAD Package Feature Code (perpetual on maintenance plan): 64300ACD_F
AutoCAD Package Feature Code - Term (subscription with multi-user access): 64300ACD_T_F
Full list of FlexNet feature codes and descriptions.
DWG 2018 file format is used just as in AutoCAD 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Default command line to start AutoCAD 2023: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2023\acad.exe" /product ACAD /language "en-US"
In vanilla AutoCAD without service pack:
Command: _vernum
_VERNUM = "T.53.0.0 (UNICODE)" (read only)
AutoCAD 2023.0.1 Update
_VERNUM = "T.72.0.0 (UNICODE)" (read only)
AutoCAD 2023.1.0 Update
_VERNUM = "T.114.0.0 (UNICODE)" (read only)
AutoCAD 2023.1.1 Update
_VERNUM = "T.153.0.0 (UNICODE)" (read only)
AutoCAD 2023.1.2 Update
_VERNUM = "T.161.0.0 (UNICODE)" (read only)
Release notes available online here.
Updates & Service Packs
Updates & Service Packs & Hotfixes
2022-11-02 AutoCAD 2023.1.2 Update
2022-09-22 AutoCAD 2023.1.1 Update
2022-07-14 AutoCAD 2023.1.0 Update
2022-04-25 AutoCAD 2023.0.1 Update
Other downloads:
Scale List Cleanup Utility for AutoCAD® 2023
Regapp ID Cleanup Utility for AutoCAD® 2023
AutoCAD 2023 Language Packs - English, Brazilian Portuguese (Português - Brasil), Czech (Čeština), French (Français), German (Deutsch), Hungarian (Magyar), Italian (Italiano), Korean (한국어), Polish (Polski), Russian (Русский), Simplified Chinese (简体中文), Spanish (Español), Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)
Download & Install AutoCAD 2023 Product Help
Download the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Module (VBA)
Cascading Sequences
Cascading Sequences for Autodesk 2023 Products
Understanding Cascade Licensing for Autodesk Products
Autodesk's AutoCAD Discussion Group:
AutoCAD 2023 Help online:
VBA Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Module can be downloaded here.
AutoCAD subscription members can download AutoCAD 2023 from the Autodesk Account page.
Download a free trial of AutoCAD 2023:
Find the certified and recommended computer hardware for the products or suites you are planning to install. For more information, go to
To download and install the latest hardware certification XML file, visit
For developers: and
If you want to participate in the Beta testing for the next release of AutoCAD (AutoCAD 2024) visit
JTB World Blog posts about AutoCAD 2023.
New and Updated Command
New and Updated Commands:
The following commands are new and updated in AutoCAD 2023
New commands | Description | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
ARCTEXT | Places text along an arc.
Note: Now available for AutoCAD LT.
X | X |
COMMANDMACROS | Opens the Command Macros palette from which you can manage and use command macro recommendations. | X | |
COMMANDMACROSCLOSE | Closes the Command Macros palette. | X | |
COUNTAREA | Defines the area to count the instances of an object or block.
Note: Only available while a count is active.
X | X |
COUNTAREACLOSE | Cancels the count selection area.
Note: Only available while a count is active.
X | X |
CUTBASE | Copies selected objects to the Clipboard, along with a specified base point, and removes them from the drawing. | X | X |
MARKUPASSIST | Analyzes an imported markup and can help place text callouts and revision clouds faster and with less manual effort. | X | |
MARKUPIMPORT | Imports a marked up drawing (image/pdf) in-place into your DWG as a new trace. | X | |
SELECTCOUNT | Finds all objects within the current count that match the properties of the selected objects, and then adds them to the selection set.
Note: Only available while a count is active.
X | X |
TRACEEDIT | Changes the active trace to edit mode.
Note: Only available while a trace is active.
X | X |
TRACEVIEW | Changes the active trace to view mode.
Note: Only available while a trace is active.
X | X |
AutoCAD 2023 Updated Commands and System Variables
Updated commands | Description | How changed | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
COUNT | Counts and highlights the instances of the selected object in the drawing. | Options added to specify a count area. | X | X |
GRAPHICSCONFIG | Controls hardware acceleration, effects available through your system's graphics card, and software performance settings. | Option added for Fast Shaded mode which controls whether the new cross platform 3D graphics system is turned on or off. | X | |
MLEADER | Creates a multileader object. | The MLEADER command now has an option to select an existing mtext object to use for the new multileader object. | X | X |
TRACE | Opens and manages traces from the command prompt. | Options added to create traces, and remove your contributions from a trace. | X | X |
TRACEBACK | Changes the active trace to view mode so you can edit the parent drawing while the trace is still visible. | Prior to the edit mode, dimmed the trace geometry. | X | X |
TRACEFRONT | Changes the active trace to edit mode so you can contribute to the trace. | Prior to the edit mode, dimmed the host geometry. | X | X |
Removed or Obsolete Commands
Removed or Obsolete Commands and System Variables:
No commands were designated as obsolete during this release.
System variables | Description | Additional Information | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
3DTECHPREVIEW | Specifies whether the updated 3D graphics engine is turned on or off. |
Replaced by FASTSHADEDMODE. An AutoCAD restart is no longer required. |
X |
New and Updated System Variables
New and Updated System Variables:
The following system variables are new and updated in AutoCAD 2023.
New system variables | Description | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
ANNOSCALEZOOM | Controls whether the mouse wheel zoom in paperspace viewports is controlled by specific zoom scales or is independent (legacy behavior). | X | X |
COMMANDMACROSSTATE | Indicates whether the Command Macros palette is open or closed. | X | |
FASTSHADEDMODE | Specifies whether the new cross platform 3D graphics system is turned on or off. | X | |
JIGZOOMMAX | Controls the maximum percentage of the view dimensions that the block extents must fit when being inserted. | X | X |
JIGZOOMMIN | Controls the minimum percentage of the view dimensions that the block extents must fit when being inserted. | X | X |
MACROINSIGHTSSUPPORT | Controls whether macro insights can be received based on the command sequences you execute. | X | |
MACRONOTIFY | Controls the notification for macro insights. | X | |
MARKUPASSISTMODE | Controls whether identified markups are highlighted. | X | |
MARKUPPAPERDISPLAY | Indicates whether or not a digital markup is currently active. | X | |
MARKUPPAPERTRANSPARENCY | Controls the level of transparency when a digital markup is active. | X | |
PASTESPECMODE | Controls the cell formatting of Microsoft Excel data when using PASTESPEC command with the AutoCAD Entities option. | X | X |
SSMDETECTMODE | Determines which Sheet Set Manager is displayed when opening cloud-based DST files. | X | X |
STYLUSFORCETHRESHOLD | Controls the stylus force press threshold. | X | X |
Updated system variables | Description | How changed | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
BGCOREPUBLISH | Controls whether background publishing uses a single or multiple cores. | The publish option "Include Hyperlinks" no longer needs to be unchecked before this functionality can be used when publishing a Multi-sheet PDF file. | X | X |
This document contains content adapted from the Autodesk® AutoCAD® Help, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike license. Copyright © Autodesk, Inc.”
JTB World is an Autodesk Authorised Developer